The Schneider 4 × 5.65″ Rainbow True-Streak Filter creates prominent, elongated streaks that are symmetric and extend horizontally from point light sources within a scene. Key features include:
Streak effect from point light source
Horizontal streaks from light source
Spectrum of up to 7 colors for streaks
Anamorphic, symmetric, and elongated streaks
Streaks & Lighting. The Schneider 4 × 4″ Rainbow True-Streak Filter is designed to be used at a 90° angle to a point-light source such as the sun, a light bulb, or a candle. This filter creates streaks extending from point-light sources which each assume the characteristics of a continuous spectrum. With a spectrum of up to seven streak colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink, and violet), shorter streaks are proportionate to less prominent sources of illumination and may display a more limited number of colors which are determined by their relative position within the frame. The materials used to create optical clarity and color fidelity are constructed from water white glass, and is most effective for pictures where the light source used to generate the streak effect is a highlight with a significant degree of contrast from the rest of the image.
Anamorphic Projection. This filter allows the effect of anamorphic optics upon highlights to be reproduced when using optics that do not have an anamorphic design, and if an image or footage is captured with an anamorphic lens for the primary purpose of obtaining a greater aspect ratio than what is possible when only using spherical lenses on a 35mm format, the direct result will appear compressed and distorted. Projecting this compressed and distorted footage or imagery through a reverse anamorphic projection lens allows elements within the scene to be viewed in their correct proportions. A complementary effect of this process after it is completed is the creation of elongated, blue-colored, horizontally symmetrical highlights from point light sources that can extend through the frame.